A general look at gender: the construction of masculinity and femininity

  • Gabriel Alva National University of Trujillo.
Keywords: masculinity, femininity, patriarchy, gender, culture, anthropology


This essay is a bibliographic analysis in which I try to reflect and express the importance of the gender approach to a better understanding of social and cultural relations in different societies of the world. In order to do this, within the many aspects that this approach may have, I have set out to make a general orientation on the construction of masculinity and femininity, and the different variables that are manifested in these constructions that are objects of analysis; considering several authors and researchers on their historical and cultural studies of gender relations from the western societies. As well as particular investigations in Peruvian societies that have not yet westernized. In conclusion, this work will provide a better overview of how, through the category of gender, a political intention is raised about the construction and control of the body of individual, through the application of norms and distribution of roles that finally leads to the formation of cultural stereotypes of which we get guide and relate consciously unconsciously


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How to Cite
Alva , G. (2017). A general look at gender: the construction of masculinity and femininity. Scientific Journal of History- C.H.E. (Historical Constructions by Students), 1(1), 21-36. Retrieved from https://memoriaeuropae.unsj.edu.ar/index.php/che/article/view/1034