Historical traces of the incorporation of comprehensive Sexual Education content in the province of San Juan.

  • Belén Ontivero Zúñiga Faculty of Philosophy, Humanities and Arts, National University of San Juan
  • Natalia Celina Montaña Faculty of Philosophy, Humanities and Arts, National University of San Juan


When we speak of Comprehensive Sexual Education we refer to the set of activities carried out in educational institutions so that boys and girls learn to know their own body, assume responsible values and attitudes related to sexuality, know and respect the right to identity, non-discrimination and good treatment. National Law 26,150, sanctioned in 2006 and the National Program for Comprehensive Sexual Education created from it guarantee at the national, provincial and municipal levels the right to receive Comprehensive Sexual Education (ESI) in both state and private schools. Secular or confessional. It includes all educational levels: initial, primary, secondary and non-university tertiary and teacher training, adapting the contents gradually, according to the age of the students. In the Province of San Juan we find ourselves in a constant dichotomy, since it adhered to that Law but it is not implemented in the system, at least in a formal way. It is from this work that we will analyze the impact of this Law in the province and its possible implementation or resistance.


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Ministerio de Educación de la Nación. (2006). Ley de Educación Sexual Integral N° 26.150. Buenos Aires.

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How to Cite
Ontivero Zúñiga, B., & Montaña , N. C. (2021). Historical traces of the incorporation of comprehensive Sexual Education content in the province of San Juan. Scientific Journal of History- C.H.E. (Historical Constructions by Students), 3(3), 22-29. Retrieved from https://memoriaeuropae.unsj.edu.ar/index.php/che/article/view/1057