• Luis Enrique Morales FFHA-UNSJ
Keywords: landscape, Jesuit properties, San Juan, transformation


The main objective of this article is to analyze the transformation of environments in the past. It is framed in the San Juan territory as belonging to the kingdom of Chile, between the early and mideighteenth century. The agent of analysis is the Company of Jesus, which is known for its educational, economic, and social work in America, but in this case, it focuses on the one hand, on the impact caused in its environment to satisfy its different needs and, on the other hand, on the imposition of a new way of life, where its interests and relations with power are reflected.

 The approach will be based on the concept of "Landscape", understood not only as a physical environment, but also as a social and cultural construction, which is modified over time. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze it from an interdisciplinary perspective, leaving aside the use of the unique and exclusive method of a history based only on written sources.

To carry it out, studies related to occupation and exploitation of space have been examined (Acosta, 2004; Fanchin and Burgues, 1987; Fanchin and Sanchez, 2016) and specifically referred to the installation of the order in the jurisdiction.


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How to Cite
Morales, L. E. (2022). THE JESUITS: BUILDERS OF LANDSCAPES IN SAN JUAN (1712-1767). Scientific Journal of History- C.H.E. (Historical Constructions by Students), 4(4), 22-38. Retrieved from