Grinspun's economic plan within the framework of the refoundational project of the Alfonsín government (1981-1985)

Keywords: Economic history, Democracy, External debt, Financial reform


The central objective is to analyze the background, development and fall of the first economic plan of the government of Raúl Alfonsín (1983-1989) pivoted by Bernardo Grinspun (1983-1985). The starting point of the economic policy is the conformation of the Democratic Refoundational Project (hereinafter, PDR) which, as we propose, constituted the general political framework of the political initiative of Alfonsinism and its proposals for political reform. First, the conditions of emergence of the PDR in its historical context are addressed. Then, the Grinspun Plan, its conditions and the causes of its failure are analyzed. As a main hypothesis, we maintain that the PDR was the political platform of Grinspun's economic plan, essential to achieve greater democratization and recovery of the social well-being of the majorities relegated after the dictatorship. However, the program required a set of structural reforms to sustain itself (mainly financial and tax), which despite its proposals failed due to a series of hierarchical factors: I) tensions and contradictions with other economic officials, II) conflicts with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and creditors, III) such as the weakening of the regional strategy due to external debt and IV) the lack of consensus policies with the main businessmen and unions.

How to Cite
Rossi, I. A. (2024). Grinspun’s economic plan within the framework of the refoundational project of the Alfonsín government (1981-1985). Scientific Journal of History- C.H.E. (Historical Constructions by Students), 6(6), 69-80. Retrieved from
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