Idoctrination or education during the second Peron goverment? The role of ciudad estudiantil as part of the Eva Peron Foundation

  • Marcelo Castro FACSO-UNSJ
  • Guadalupe Sanchez Pareja FACSO-UNSJ
Keywords: education, indoctrination, peronisim, eva peron foundation, student city


The purpose of this article is to analyze the relationships and tensions between two conceptual categories that are usually identified as conflicting and that are always present within the platforms of government of any political party, such as education and indoctrination. In this case, the educational policies deployed during the second Peronist government (1952 to 1955) will be tackled contextually, considering them a fundamental part of the formula of social mobility, which was a transversal objective to all areas of Peronist government.

Firstly, we will investigate about the characteristics and scope of the educational policy implemented by Perón since 1952, focusing the work around the role of the Eva Perón Foundation. At the initiative of Eva Perón, the foundation had as one of its basic axes the education of both children and adolescents.  indoctrination.  oral history, the testimonies of former students of the Student City, a fundamental part of the Eva Perón Foundation, will be rescued.


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How to Cite
Castro, M., & Sanchez Pareja, G. (2021). Idoctrination or education during the second Peron goverment? The role of ciudad estudiantil as part of the Eva Peron Foundation. Scientific Journal of History- C.H.E. (Historical Constructions by Students), 3(3), 41-55. Retrieved from