Exile and insilio in the province of San Juan during the last military dictatorship (1976-1983)

  • Florencia Narváez FACSO-UNSJ
  • Belén Ontiveros FACSO-UNSJ
  • Sebastián Rosales FACSO-UNSJ
  • Karen Salinas FACSO-UNSJ
Keywords: Military dictatorship, exile, insilio


According to the specialized literature, within the framework of the Doctrine of National Security authoritarian states are outlined throughout the Southern Cone The content is characterized by characterizing the activities of human rights, producing miles of arrests for political reasons, kidnappings and disappearance of people, tortures and exiles and insilios of miles of persecuted.

Within this framework, the realization of this article is inscribed, which includes the form of situations of exile and insilio that took place in the context of the last civic-military dictatorship of Argentina (1976- 1983), from the perspective of those who experience, That is, its protagonists.

 To achieve what has been achieved, not only the theoretical elements can be used, but also fundamentally, the first-hand interviews, the technique of oral history, the articulate response, the existential relationships of the direct agents in the context of the contextual drama in general..


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How to Cite
Narváez , F., Ontiveros, B., Rosales, S., & Salinas , K. (2021). Exile and insilio in the province of San Juan during the last military dictatorship (1976-1983). Scientific Journal of History- C.H.E. (Historical Constructions by Students), 3(3), 30-40. Retrieved from https://memoriaeuropae.unsj.edu.ar/index.php/che/article/view/1055