Introduction. Racism, democracy and citizenship

Main Article Content

Eduardo Luis Espinosa Rodriguez
Federico Sandoval Hernández


This is an introduction to the Dossier "Racism, democracy and citizenship". We wanted to illustrate the extent of racism in Latin America. This diffusion of the phenomenon is fixed in observable and very specific facts. That has been our first step, given that there is a tendency to deny racism, which tries to remove this phenomenon from any cultural or social discussion in our countries.

Next, we have logically and historically shown the correlation of anti-racist movements with democratic transformations and citizen mobilizations. In the specific case of Latin America in the present, we have pointed out that this coupling comes from the 80s of the last century. In some national contexts, it has advanced rapidly and profoundly depending on the autonomy of the organizations of racialized subjects.

Finally, we show the evidence of inequality in the case of indigenous peoples. This inequality begins with the disadvantages of these peoples to make use of natural elements to which access has been denied. This makes very evident the need for democracy in indigenous affairs and the insufficiency of the denial of racism.

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How to Cite
Espinosa Rodriguez, E. L., & Sandoval Hernández, F. (2021). Introduction. Racism, democracy and citizenship. RevIISE - Revista De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanas, 18(18), 95-104. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Federico Sandoval Hernández, Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero

Federico Sandoval Hernández. Es Profesor Titular de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero. Sub-Director del Centro de Investigación y Posgrado en Estudios Socioterritoriales. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores del CONACYT de México.


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