Experiencias y testimonios lésbicos: el desborde de la Historia Testimonios, ruinas y reliquias: el método biográfico en la investigación del pasado reciente
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The article develops a possible methodological and theoretical crossover between the standpoint epistemologies, the biographical approach and archival studies. For this purpose, I analytically recover two valued concepts for the feminist and queer studies tradition: experience and testimony.
The two major objectives for this paper are, on the one hand, to reflect on the theoretical and epistemological assumptions that frame both conceptual proposals. On the other hand, to justify the importance of the critical use of these concepts in social research on sexual dissidence.
Based on qualitative research with a biographical approach on lesbian activism in Argentina, I suggest that in the absence of historical archives that document the existence and resistance of sexual dissidents, interviews, testimonies, and the construction of queer archives are fundamental inputs to access these stories.
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