Challenges of the Arts: creation capacities Structural analysis and institutionalization process at the National University of San Juan
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In the present work we address artistic creation as a statutory institutional function of the National University of San Juan (UNSJ). In this sense, Art as a disciplinary area was incorporated into the institutional structure from the founding of the university, although artistic creation has continued its process of institutionalization up to the present, seeking its space in the provincial academic field. Here we intend to go through this process, placing the analytical focus on identifying the struggles of the field, as well as making visible its current institutional capacities and the relationship with the functions of teaching, research, and extension. To do this, we use the theoretical body of social studies of science, added to the link with categories of research in Art. Specifically, we propose a double access study: structurally, recovering the analysis of indicators from the Cuyo Manual, as well as the voices of the agents, in this case artistic creators of the institution.
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