Precarities in Latin America
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Dasten Julián Vejar is a Ph.D. in Sociology from the Friedrich-Schiller Institute of Sociology at the University of Jena (Germany). He is an Associate Researcher at the Institute of History and Social Sciences of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities at the Austral University of Chile (UACh) and at the Institute of Society, Work, and Policies at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg (South Africa). His research interests revolve around the precarities of work and life, economics, development, and extractivism, as well as unions in their organizational forms and strategies. He also explores Latin American sociology and its role in societies from a perspective of the global south. We have had the privilege of engaging in a dialogue with Dasten, touching on each of these topics, with a focus on the triggering axis that brings us together—studies on the world of work and, particularly, labor precariousness, an issue whose implications affect society more than we can imagine.
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