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Alfredo Carrera Arenas


This work is not intended to spread contents of true traced in the Marxian work, but instead focuses on scrutinizing the notions of truth and ideology present in the scattered and, to a certain extent, chaotic Marxian production . The first part alludes to the meanings of true. The second and third, partially following the approaches of Néstor Kohan, mention some ways of approaching the truth proposed by relevant authors and make explicit the notions of truth present in the Marxian work, respectively. The fourth part exposes the conceptions of ideology taken up by the Marxist tradition and, at this point, I admit that I have not reached a conclusion, but I tend to believe that if we globally appreciate the Marxian work, the ideology, Strictly speaking, it is false consciousness, concealment of social contradictions derived from capitalism, and has its counterpart in class consciousness, in the unconcealment of contradictions.

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How to Cite
Carrera Arenas, A. (2018). TRACE FIRST AROUND THE NOTIONS OF ’TRUTH’ AND ’IDEOLOGY’ IN THE MARXIAN WORK. TRAZOS – Revista De Estudiantes De Filosofía, 2(2), 34-43. Retrieved from
Artículos de investigación


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