Epistemological Dialogue: Reflections on the History of Science and Theories of Knowledge

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Paloma América Chousal Lizama


"Within the framework of the Epistemology Chair of the Social Sciences Program at the National University of San Juan, Professor Alicia Russo, former chairholder, was invited to give an Open Class on science and theories of knowledge. The activity, held in the spring of 2022, was promoted by the current chairholder, Professor Sandra Lambiase, and the Assistant Professor, Lic. Paloma Chousal Lizama. Through an engaging language, resulting from the dialogue between the invited professor and students of the Faculty of Social Sciences, the class document proposes a broad overview starting from elements of Greek culture to contemporary transdisciplinary epistemological approaches.

Beginning with an understanding of epistemology and the discussion about the definition of science, the document highlights the conceptions that different schools of thought bring into tension. Different moments in the history of knowledge are identified with the intention of clarifying and deepening the necessary contextualization of epistemological discussions in their continuities and discontinuities. For this purpose, a chronological clarification is incorporated (birth and death years of each author) to facilitate the temporal organization of the presented ideas."

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How to Cite
Chousal Lizama, P. A. (2023). Epistemological Dialogue: Reflections on the History of Science and Theories of Knowledge. "Tramas Sociales” Revista Del Gabinete De Estudios E Investigación En Sociología (GEIS), 5(05), 150-162. Retrieved from https://memoriaeuropae.unsj.edu.ar/index.php/tramassociales/article/view/1007
Documentos de cátedra
Author Biography

Paloma América Chousal Lizama

Lic. y Prof. en Sociología, Doctoranda en Ciencias Sociales, Becaria Doctoral CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas), Profesora Adjunta de las cátedras Introducción al Conocimiento Científico y Epistemología de las Ciencias Sociales -Departamento de Sociología, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional de San Juan-


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