What 's the beast? A brief historical-situated transit about fundamental concepts of the animal ontology

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To face to distinguish certain key concepts which turns over the animal ontological problematic, we will offer an historical-situated analytic of the particular concepts of Beast, Brutality, Monster, Savage Animal, Inner Animal. This has the central object of making sense about an ontological differentiality between questions which appears analogicalized in certain way in the speeches in disposition of the authors themselves. In this way, we could patentize what's the sense that each intelligibility dispositive can be disposed in each case.

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How to Cite
MORENO, M. E. (2023). What ’s the beast? A brief historical-situated transit about fundamental concepts of the animal ontology. TRAZOS – Revista De Estudiantes De Filosofía, 2(8), 71-86. Retrieved from https://memoriaeuropae.unsj.edu.ar/index.php/trazos/article/view/1227
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