Between antimonuments and winged victories: memory practices of a feminist political language

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Emanuela Borzacchiello


Since the 1970s in Mexico, feminisms have created diverse and unprecedented narrative and visual practices to investigate, denounce and address the violence suffered by our bodies. In this article I juxtapose actions, slogans, interventions in monuments and construction of anti-monuments to understand how practices emerge that manage to propose a form of political communication between diverse territories. These practices, which link claims and utopias, resonate spatially and temporally throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, creating mobile symbols of struggle against different types of violence and configuring a new ethical-aesthetic sphere in which their criteria of visibility are problematized and from the which we manage to activate multiple possibilities of community transformation. These symbols of life break with the enumeration of the names of the victims and the static classification of violent deaths because they weave a shared political language about the processes of dispossession and dispossession that we suffer. Through this analysis I hope to show how these practices move between a movement of denial and an inverse movement of affirmation: denial because they are dissident practices that oppose violent patriarchal and colonial systems, transgressive operations of an imposed disciplinary order; affirmation because they are not based on destruction, but rather they open spaces of possibility where before there was an impossibility or only frustration. They are memory practices that manage to enrich and strengthen a feminist political language.


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How to Cite
Borzacchiello, E. (2024). Between antimonuments and winged victories: memory practices of a feminist political language. Memorias Disidentes. Revista De Estudios críticos Del Patrimonio, Archivos Y Memorias, 1(2), 119-137. Retrieved from
Sección Académica
Author Biography

Emanuela Borzacchiello, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Xochimilco.

Borzacchiello earned a PhD in Feminist and Gender Studies. In her research she analyzes contemporary feminicidal violence as it intersects with oppressions and class segregation in the context of Mexican neoliberalism, implementing mixed field and archival methodologies. More recently, she has continued her research work with the study and creation of feminist archives as a strategy for the construction of collective memories. She is a member of the National System of Researchers of CONAHCYT and postdoctoral researcher in the Doctorate in Humanities at UAM Xochimilco, Research Line "Cultural Studies and Postcolonial Criticism". She articulates research and advocacy in different fields: academia and activism, institutional and civil intervention. To date, in the institutional sphere, she is a member of the Multidisciplinary and Interinstitutional Committee for the Gender in Mexico City. Member of the Mexico-United States Research Group, promoted by the University of Texas, Austin, and the Center for Research and Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV), entitled "Geographies of Displacement: Mexican Migrant/Refugee Children and Youth on the U.S.-Mexico borders". She has more than 20 research publications and universal access to knowledge in the last 15 years, among these: "The interrelationship and links between sexual violence and the death of girls and adolescents in the Latin American and Caribbean region" (2021), supported by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Latin American and Caribbean Committee for the Defense of Women's Rights (CLADEM).


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