Where the city is in pain Photo-narration

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Ana Cecilia Gerrard



In 2013, when I started my investigation in Tierra del Fuego, a fire broke out in the installations of the building that once functioned as the Cold Storage of the “Argentine Meat Producers Corporation” (CAP) in the city of Río Grande. At this opportunity, the places were enveloped in a generalized commotion. The spectacle was desolate: the thick, black smoke covered the entire neighborhood, and the bombers exerted great effort to put out the calls. A few years earlier, in 1999, the building had been declared a National Historical Monument, along with other buildings linked to colonization institutions. This declaration was established after the sale of the property, which then belonged to the Rural Association, a local businessman. Since then, to successive fires, the abandonment of dependencies of state heritage has been increasing, a (in) policy of memory actively and selectively promotes the oblivion. In the CAP, then, the forces of nature and human agency converged into a great ruin, a catastrophe that is not the catastrophe of history.

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How to Cite
Gerrard, A. C. (2024). Where the city is in pain. Memorias Disidentes. Revista De Estudios críticos Del Patrimonio, Archivos Y Memorias, 1(2), 234-240. Retrieved from https://memoriaeuropae.unsj.edu.ar/index.php/Mdis/article/view/Dondealaciudadleduele-AnaCeciliaGerrard
Lenguajes Instituyentes
Author Biography

Ana Cecilia Gerrard, Institute of Culture, Society and State (ICSE) National University of Tierra del Fuego (UNTDF)

Social Anthropologist and doctoral candidate for the Postgraduate Program in Social Anthropology at the National University of Missions (PPAS UNaM). In her doctorate thesis, she analyzes patrimonialization processes and memory policies in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). She is Adjunct Professor at the Institute of Culture, Society and State (ICSE) at the National University of Tierra del Fuego (UNTDF). She is part of the Cátedra Libre de Pueblos Originarios de la UNTDF, the Red de Información y Discusión sobre Arqueología y Patrimonio (RIDAP) and the Grupo de Estudios sobre Memorias Alterizada y Subordinadas (GEMAS).      


Benjamin, Walter (2007). Conceptos de filosofía de la historia. Terramar.